PartnerComm Quick Find®

Search software that gets your employees to the right information, fast.

PartnerComm’s Quick Find ® lets employees find what they need fast. This enhanced search feature increases understanding, engagement and satisfaction by providing the right answers for users’ questions.

Delivers consumer-grade experiences

Quick Find ® layers on top of our clients’ user-friendly websites to help employees connect to the most relevant information so it’s easy to take action.

When users start to type their search terms, the system returns curated recommendations — directly within the search bar. Users then select from a handful of preferred shortcuts to important pages, tools and resources.

Based on best practices and research

Before embarking on any project, we analyze the landscape of related research from reputable sources and study relevant emerging trends and best practices. Our Ph.D. team has also conducted proprietary research with thousands of employees over the years, which we regularly apply to our work.

Starts with expertise

Quick Find ® search is grounded in our best-practice recommendations, informed by decades of experience with employee behavior on communication sites. Updates are driven by website usage analytics, which means it can help HR teams reduce case escalations while enabling employees to find answers easily.

Speaks your language

Content is tagged with your keywords — including the vocabulary that’s unique to your employees. It’s fully customizable, so the most relevant webpages come up, whether employees are looking for “savings plan,” “401(k)” or “401k.” Quick Find ® makes HR and benefits websites even more intuitive, enabling efficient self-service.

Stays simple

Our flexible publishing platform means that employee websites are updated in real time, through easy-to-use content management tools. Quick Find ® search takes just minutes to add new keywords, so it’s easy to support your employees’ changing needs.

Why Quick Find ®? This search works anywhere, at any time, on any device.

Reach out to an expert today.