PartnerComm Medical Plan Modelers

Simple questions that lead to a solid medical plan recommendation.
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PartnerComm’s Medical Plan Modeler is an easy-to-use, intuitive, interactive tool that provides users with a medical plan recommendation along with the rationale for the recommendation. The tool is custom-built for each client based on plan design, regional availability, cost of coverage, covered services and a logical order of operations. Recommendations are tailored for each user based on variable inputs, including salary band, location, coverage level, anticipated usage rates and other preferences, e.g., a low deductible.

Completely customized

We work with you to identify the right questions/inputs, logic and content to meet your objectives. The tool can be completely customized to your brand, processes and plans. And we can build simple or more complex tools to meet your needs. For example, some of our clients want to keep their tool simple, so the user can get to a recommendation quickly. Others want a tool that can be manipulated by more sophisticated users who want to model specific sets of services and get into the tax consequences associated with different medical plans, health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts, for example. Whatever we do, we always focus on accuracy, user experience and design.

Simple, intuitive user interface

The tool’s simple, intuitive interface asks for basic inputs and walks your users through a number of questions to compare costs and make a recommendation in just a few minutes. Inputs depend on plan design and often include location, salary, employment status, age, tobacco use, etc. Questions typically address coverage level, frequency of care, level of care, willingness to stay in-network and preference for a low deductible. There's no need for the user to enter claims data or other detailed information.

Compares costs across plans

Upon providing the inputs and answering the questions, the user is presented with custom results comparing key features and costs across available medical plans so they can quickly visualize the plan that might be the best fit for them.

Explains rationale behind recommendations

The results highlight the recommended medical plan based on the user’s inputs and answers. The user can click once to find out why the particular plan was recommended.

Available to family decision makers and candidates

Since users’ spouses or domestic partners often share in or are responsible for medical plan decision making, most of our clients host their medical plan modelers on an open website — one that doesn't require a username and password. This approach also makes the tool available to prospective users.

Unlimited, anonymous sessions with an option to print or email

Users have the freedom to model different scenarios as often as they like. The user is anonymous to the tool (when hosted on an open website) and none of the inputs driving the recommendation are saved. The user has the option to print or email the results of a modeling session before leaving the results page, but this information isn't saved.

Metrics show modelers increase user engagement

Here’s an example of a PartnerComm client using our modeler: A large employer with approximately 65,000 users launched a medical plan modeler as part of its active open enrollment campaign. Metrics showed users spent an average of 7 minutes on the site and visited an average of 4.5 pages. This indicated that users were reviewing and researching before enrolling. During one week of the enrollment period, there were 20,200 unique visitors with 10,000 visitors using the medical plan modeler.

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