Recognition & Appreciation

Innovative approaches to celebrating your employees' efforts and milestones
The Importance of

Recognition & Appreciation

Employee recognition and appreciation make up a big piece of the employee experience. And they can make or break an employee’s perception of your company. The right communication strategy can create a strong, positive company culture of recognition and appreciation.

What is employee recognition and appreciation?

What is employee recognition and appreciation?

Employee recognition and appreciation is quite simply a company's efforts to thank and recognize employees for their work and impact. At PartnerComm, we think about the big picture of employee recognition and appreciation. To us, it's more than an annual Employee Appreciation Day or an employee holiday gift of company swag. (Not that those aren't pieces of the picture — they just aren't the whole picture.) Employees should be able to recognize your recognition and appreciation efforts as part of your company culture.

Why is employee recognition and appreciation important?

Workplaces that embrace and cultivate a culture of employee recognition and appreciation are more likely to reduce turnover, increasing productivity and profitability.


Employee appreciation has been shown to be tightly linked to employee retention in multiple studies over the past few years. In a report by Appirio, 60% of surveyed workers said they put the most value on being appreciated by management.


And in a long-term study by O.C. Tanner, employee recognition was cited as the main factor as to whether or not someone stays with their current employer. The same study reported that 79% of employees who left their jobs cited lack of appreciation as their main reason for leaving. These studies indicate that recognition and appreciation shown by managers and the company are an important part of an employee’s overall experience.

6–9 mo.

The importance of employee retention itself may seem like a no-brainer. But here are some numbers to help put things in perspective. Some studies predict that every time a company replaces a salaried employee, it costs six to nine months' salary on average in training and recruiting expenses. And that doesn't account for the qualitative loss of engagement from other employees along with the negative cultural impact.

Employees are 43% more productive
Fun Fact!

Employees are 43% more productive

and effective when they feel valued, according to a study done at UC Berkeley. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the value (no pun intended) in showing people how appreciated they are.

Where to Start

How to Communicate Employee Recognition and Appreciation

At PartnerComm, we focus on two main components of employee recognition and appreciation communication — cultivating a culture of recognition and creating surprise-and-delight experiences.

Both elements are equally important. Employers need to cultivate a culture of authentic day-to-day recognition, while also surprising and delighting employees with special events and experiences.

An Employee Experience Communication Example
Smart Tip!

An Employee Experience Communication Example

Our employee experience teams used their expertise and creativity to communicate a prime employee experience to employees at a global tech company. We crafted digital brochures for candidates that promoted the top 10 benefits offered by the company and what makes them unique. If someone is hired, they will receive a new hire benefits guide, also created by PartnerComm.

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