Employee Benefits Contacts App

Quick access to comprehensive contact information for vendor partners.
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Employee benefits contact information that's quick and easy to access can be as important as receiving care in the first few minutes of a medical emergency.

PartnerComm’s custom-built contacts apps help employees find benefit provider phone numbers, email addresses and websites when they need them — quickly and easily — anytime and anywhere. And, although each client’s app is custom-built, implementing one for your employees won’t break the budget.

Organizes and streamlines

Employees get a lot of information about their benefits. It can be hard to remember it all (or remember where to find the information when needed). The PartnerComm solution is a custom-designed employee benefits contacts app that provides a listing and brief descriptions of employee benefits and provider information — names, email addresses, websites and phone numbers — bundled together in one handy spot.

Engages and educates

Companies work hard to provide the best benefits they can for employees. But often, employees don’t understand their benefits or how to use them.

Our custom employee benefits contacts app provides a brief description of each benefit, reinforcing more lengthy details provided elsewhere. The benefits contacts app engages employees by empowering them with information and actions they can take. Employees can call providers with questions and link to websites to check coverage levels or see where they stand with copays, deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums. This helps employees get in the habit of managing their benefits. They feel more confident and understand their benefits better when they can properly use them.

Convenient and always available

At their fingertips 24/7, the app lets employees complete benefit tasks at their convenience — whenever they wish and wherever they are. The app often reduces the number of questions employees need help with. Questions are answered and tasks are completed quickly and efficiently using the app.

Custom design that’s easy to update

We'll work with you to create a benefits contacts app to meet your corporate objectives and employee needs. And, as benefits contacts change, the app can be updated quickly. Our benefits contacts apps often fill large gaps in company benefits communication.

Reach out to an expert today.