PartnerComm Campaigns

Consistent, year-round communication promoting priority initiatives.
ALL PRODUCTS / Campaigns

PartnerComm’s communication campaigns are backed by an A+ team and provide a multifaceted approach to help increase employee engagement. We use a variety of channels to meet employees where they are and align with your company’s brand guidelines and culture.

Strategically planned

PartnerComm looks at the big picture. We strive to understand what your other colleagues or benefit partners are communicating to employees (and when) so we can thoughtfully plot out all campaign components. We dig deep into what you may already know, too, such as what helps employees grow and thrive within your organization, their favorite communication vehicles and tools they find useful in their day to day. We use all of this to hit the ground running and deliver a show-stopping campaign.


PartnerComm works with you to create campaigns that are based on solid data. We get a sense from you about how employees currently access information to inform your internal communications strategy and campaign. And we track the data on all deliverables, such as website traffic, email open rates and survey responses.


What are you really trying to achieve? PartnerComm works with you to form specific and achievable objectives that will produce measurable results. For example, increasing enrollment in specific medical plans (and decreasing it in others), getting more people to sign up for a unique health or fitness app, or helping employees gain better understanding of health insurance. Whatever your goal, we’ll help you hit it.

Surround sound

Our campaigns target employees — and their dependents — at all angles. At work, at home or on the go. If you’re wanting to promote a robust benefits package, for example, we use a variety of print and digital media, such as postcards, brochures, emails, podcasts, videos, or websites. You name it, we’ve got it. And everything we do is completely custom.

Uniquely designed

We’re a full-stack creative agency housed with the very best graphic and user experience designers. We raise the bar by creating custom design options for every client’s employee communication work. Our designs are aligned with your brand, infused with creative energy, and written by our top-notch copywriters.

Reach out to an expert today.