Let's talk about mental health. It's a collection of our emotions, thoughts and feelings, and plays a massive role in how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. In the workplace, mental health is as crucial as our professional skills. Neglect it, and the results aren't pretty.

Increased absenteeism, decreased productivity and heightened conflict - these are just some of the ways unchecked mental health issues can cripple a workplace.

Fostering a mentally healthy environment can do wonders. It creates a space where employees can thrive and perform at their best. It builds stronger teams, fuels creativity and drives sustainable success. For employees, a mentally healthy workplace means less stress and a more satisfying work-life balance. For the organization, it results in lower health care costs, improved employee engagement and a stellar company reputation.

Not getting ahead of and addressing mental health within your company can also be a huge loss in profit in the long run. It's true! According to a study that was done by the APA (American Psychological Association) in 2018, "the estimated cost of job stress nationwide may be as much as $187 billion (about $580 per person in the US), with 70% to 90% of those losses resulting from declines in productivity—and the pandemic has only worsened the situation." That's a lot of money!

The benefits are massive, but it starts with understanding and addressing mental health in the workplace. And that's what we're here for.

Speak Out, Reach Out: Unlocking Mental Health Awareness Through Internal Communication

In the bustling hubbub of our busy workplaces, it's easy to overlook the silent struggles many of our colleagues face daily. Mental health, a thing often ignored as an aspect of well-being, is more significant than we know. And here's the kicker - communication, a tool we use every single day, holds the key to promoting mental health awareness.

Increasingly, companies are realizing the power of open dialogue about mental health. Take the example of that tech startup from Silicon Valley. After incorporating regular mental health check-ins and discussions into their weekly meet-ups, they saw a 30% increase in employee productivity and a significant decrease in sick days. The secret? They allowed their employees to voice out their mental health concerns without fear of stigma or judgment.

If you're wondering how, you can start the conversation about mental health in your workplace, here are a few handy tips.

  • Normalize the conversation. Incorporate mental health into regular discussions, just as you would talk about any other health concern. Make it a habit, not a one-off.
  • Foster a safe, non-judgmental space. This is vital. Employees should feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences without the fear of being stigmatized.
  • Educate and provide resources. Awareness starts with understanding. Provide resources and training to help everyone in your organization understand mental health better.

Remember, every conversation you start can be a step towards creating a healthier, more understanding workplace. Start the dialogue and let the ripple of change begin from your desk.

Speak Up, Not Down: Mastering the Art of Mental Health Communication

When it comes to mental health, the how and what of communication is everything. The U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, MD has stated, "A healthy workforce is the foundation for thriving organizations and healthier communities." Let's dive straight into some effective strategies to discuss this crucial topic in the workplace.

  1. Strategy 1 - Open Dialogue. Creating an open dialogue is key. Encourage employees to share their thoughts and feelings. Remember, it's not about providing solutions, it's about listening and understanding.
  2. Strategy 2 - Use Empathetic Language. Empathy is crucial. Everyone wants to feel like they can relate to others. And validating someone else's feelings and struggles are a great way for people to feel seen and heard. Use language that is understanding, and non-judgmental. Phrases like "I understand this must be tough for you" can work wonders.
  3. Strategy 3 - Regular Check-ins. Be sure you're scheduling regular check-ins with your team. These provide space for employees to express any issues they're experiencing.

Now, let's talk about the dos and don'ts.


  • Encourage participation in mental health campaigns and trainings
  • Promote work-life balance
  • Show compassion, patience, and understanding


  • Dismiss or trivialize anyone's feelings
  • Ignore signs of stress or burnout
  • Force someone to share their experiences
  • Finally, creating a safe space is indispensable.

Here's how you can do it:

  1. Promote confidentiality. Ensure that any discussions around mental health are confidential. This builds trust and encourages open communication.
  2. Foster a supportive environment. Show employees that their mental health matters. Foster an environment where they feel supported and valued.
  3. Encourage professional help, delicately. It's always important when discussing mental health with your employees, that they know you're someone they can trust.

Make resources available to help employees seek professional help if needed.

Weaving these practices into your company culture can make a world of difference. So, let's start the conversation, and keep it going. After all, mental health matters, today and every day.

Strike When the Iron is Cool: Timing the Talk on Mental Health

When it comes to mental health, timing is everything. Just as you wouldn't drop a bombshell on someone just as they're unwinding after a long day, you wouldn't want to bring up mental health at an inopportune moment.

The trick is to broach the topic when people are most receptive. That's when you can truly drive the importance of mental wellbeing home. So, when exactly is the "right" time? Well, it's not as elusive as it sounds.

For starters, integrating mental health topics into regular team meetings sets a precedent. It underscores that mental wellbeing is just as crucial to discuss as project updates or quarterly goals. Continuing to search for ways to make the employee experience better and overall, a more positive one is crucial.

Periods of change or stress within the company are also key moments. This could be during a company restructuring, a busy sales period or even after a team-building exercise. At these moments, people are more likely to be receptive to discussions on how to cope with stress, anxiety or other mental health issues.

Remember, a single conversation isn't enough. Repeat, repeat and repeat again. Regular follow-ups not only reinforce the message but show that you're genuinely committed to supporting your employees' mental wellbeing. This could take the form of follow-up meetings, sending resources via email, or sharing success stories.

So, let's make the time to talk about mental health. Because the right time, well, it's now.

Thriving in a Mentally Healthy Workplace

Let's be real. Proper communication is the lifeline of a healthy workplace. Without it, even the most robust systems crumble. And when we're talking about mental health? Well, communication becomes more than important. It becomes vital.

Why? Because breaking the silence around mental health is the first step to creating a supportive, understanding and resilient work environment.

And this is where you come in. Whether you're a CEO, team leader or just a concerned coworker, it's time to step up. Because you have the power to make a difference. Implement mental health practices in your workplace. Start conversations. Encourage openness.

With the right approach, creating a mentally healthy workplace is something we all can do. And the payoff? It's not just about happier, healthier employees (though that's a great perk). It's about success. Because a business thrives when the people behind it thrive.

So, let's make mental health a priority. And remember, in the eloquent words of Glenn Close, "What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor and more unashamed conversation." Let's bring mental health into the light. Help by starting the conversation today and ensuring the conversation keeps going.